
10QS with Andy Pham, Art Director

Spring rolls, capybaras, and Keanu Reeves [...]

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The internet is vast. What’s your happy place?
Wherever the YouTube algorithm recommendations send me—down the mysterious dark vortex.

What’s your idea of a perfect meal?
Fresh spring rolls. Get a whole food pyramid in every bite! Fast to eat, delicious and nutritious. Think of eating a salad but with a solution to be rolled up to make it easier.

Which fictional or historical character do you most relate to?
When I was a kid, I always liked Batman because he didn’t have a ridiculous cosmic level cheat code activated like other superheroes. Other heroes were powered by “hopes and cosmic magic.” Batman had to not get hit or mouth his way out. Huge differences that I can relate to.

Who is your hero? (dead or alive)
Keanu Reeves. Have there been any controversies surrounding this guy? Well, I haven’t heard. He lived with major hardships while not letting Hollywood success get to his head. Everyone who worked with him has nothing bad to say about him either. Even during the worst moments of his life, he treated others with dignity.

Imagine that every type of creature, real or imaginary, is tameable. What would you bring home?
Capybara! Ever want a giant dog-sized guinea pig that you can hug but without the panic and squealing of their tiny cousins? Capybaras are super chill, super cute, and friendly enough to sit next to you and their predator, the crocodile, and just chill. Just look at it.

You receive an all-access pass to one city. Where do you go?
Paris. I need to uncover the hidden secrets of the catacombs and maybe accidentally wake up the eldritch monsters that lie dormant under.

Technology makes Westworld-style theme parks a reality. What “world” would you buy a ticket to?
Just me and an aircraft that can go into space, being able to land and visit and see any parts of our world, planets in our galaxy, and stars without any limits or being told no. To spice things up, might as well add some alien civilizations to explore, multiplanet conflicts, and maybe space pirates to up the intensity. It’s a theme park, right?

You’re granted a 25th hour every day. What do you do with it?
Playing chemist with film chemicals and developing and drying film of pictures from my adventures taken with my 100-year-old camera. I got a huge backlog I need to go through and every hour would help.

Whether or not you knew it at the time, at which moment in your life did you make the most pivotal decision?
A few years after graduating from college, I wasn’t really satisfied with where my career was going and wanted to change. I remember watching Discovery Channel commercials up at 4 am and saw a particular one that caught my attention. I somehow found out the company that got it produced and started to send emails listed on their website. Thirty minutes later, a senior art director messaged me back asking me if I wanted a tour the next day. Upon arriving, she helped me understand what an ad agency was and showed me around. At the end of the tour she asked, “Can I see your portfolio?” and I responded, “What’s a portfolio?” I wasn’t invited back in. I messaged a friend about what happened, and he told me there was something called The Book Shop, a portfolio school for people who wanted to be creative in that type of line of work. After three years of attending that program, I restarted my career by accepting an Art Director internship.

Under-the-radar recommendation. What do you love that more people should? (Movie, book, artist, podcast, restaurant, etc.)
Connect with people or communities with like-minded thoughts, philosophies, TV shows, hobbies, or more with a chat server with discord. There are now several million groups of different topics, and it has gone beyond its small start. They have a search function to help you find the right one or you can use websites like to help find the right community.



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