
10Qs with Ashley Smith, VP Strategy & Planning, Client Services

Bangkok, tigers, and a book a week [...]

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The internet is vast. What’s your happy place?
Though stressful at times, CNN, as the world is currently going to hell in a handbag. When I need a break from the world, I watch animal rescue videos.

What’s your idea of a perfect meal?
Anything that my mother makes, as she is an excellent cook. My favorite meal made by her is turkey tetrazzini casserole—good old Midwestern casserole always hits the spot.

Which fictional or historical character do you most relate to?
Peggy Olson in Mad Men. Peggy started out unrefined, quiet, and naïve at the beginning of her career but was bold enough to ask for what she wanted, and she demanded respect in the end.

Who is your hero? (dead or alive)
RBG, as she was an inspirational woman. She was a mother in law school dominated by men at the time in the 1950s. She was first in her class, fought for women’s rights and gender discrimination in the 1970s, and wasn’t afraid to challenge and go against the norm and stand up for what she believed was right. Another hero of mine is Dolly Parton. Yup Dolly. She was born into poverty, moved to Nashville, and wrote songs for the top country music stars and has 25 top hits of her own. She is proud she is a woman who flaunts it, has a phenomenal business mind, and owns the rights to over 3,000 top songs.

Imagine that every type of creature, real or imaginary, is tameable. What would you bring home?
A tiger, as they are beautiful, majestic creatures that look so loveable—unless you are their next meal.

You receive an all-access pass to one city. Where do you go?
Bangkok, Thailand. I have never ventured to Southeast Asia before, and it’s on my lifetime bucket list of places to visit. With the all-access pass, I would visit the temples and take in the beautiful historic architecture, gardens, and palaces. I would visit the markets and street food vendors, where I could try and eat the fantastic food (in this dream, I do not have any food allergies). 

Technology makes Westworld-style theme parks a reality. What “world” would you buy a ticket to?
Avatar, as it would be magical to visit a vibrantly colored world with beautiful creatures that do not exist, floating mountains, and beautiful aliens.  I guess I could just go to The World of Avatar at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, but it wouldn’t be the same.

You’re granted a 25th hour every day. What do you do with it?
I would work on the long list of house to-do’s; I just bought a house after living in an apartment for five years. The list is long, but I love owning a property where I can put sweat equity into the property and enjoy my handwork for years to come.

Whether or not you knew it at the time, at which moment in your life did you make the most pivotal decision?
Moving to Los Angeles. I lived in Chicago for 10 years and worked at the same company for seven years in Chicago. I knew that my career needed a shake-up. I applied at Quigley-Simpson, and I had my first-ever Skype call. Six years ago, video interviews were not yet mainstream. Quigley allowed me to pursue my media passions, first as a performance TV buyer, then working on new business, taking the leap to work in client-service, working on Febreze. And now I am leading media strategy and planning. At the time, I didn’t realize what was to come in my future, but it’s funny how a decision in your life changes what you thought your five-year plan was.

Under-the-radar recommendation. What do you love that more people should? (Movie, book, artist, podcast, restaurant, etc.)
I love reading. On average, I read a book a week. When I read a book, my mind quiets and all the distractions of life and work melt away, as I can focus only on the words on the page. My favorite genres are whodunit novels and psychological thrillers, with a nice love story thrown in every couple of months. I find that with psychological thrillers, you are always thinking and working out the why, which is what I like most about that genre.



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